Purvis AgriFinance

• Expansion and Acquisition Capital (purchase a new farm)
• Succession Capital (business restructure)
• Asset Finance (equipment and infrastructure)
• Succession Capital (business restructure)
• Asset Finance (equipment and infrastructure)
Agribusiness and commercial finance is more than your bank’s interest rate.
If you’re looking for support for all the financial decisions your farm business needs to make, I can help. For over 25 years, I’ve been a rural finance specialist, helping people just like you.
Whether you’re looking for finance to expand your business or refinancing your existing loans, I’m the broker in your corner. And unlike bank managers that come and go, my service is constant.
I’ll make sure you get the best rates and the right loan structure.
From application to settlement, I’ll help you navigate the process of applying for new finance or refinancing your existing loans.